Tender For providing of repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - icgs rajveer; e345 during ops deployment exhaust gas leakage observed from pme a bank exhaust line suspect exhaust line or exhaust bellow cracked view aging defect to be..,repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - icgs rajveer; hb1128 microtech top coat following compartment area are not catered in main defect list details as follows compartment area in mtrs a fm200 compartment 2..
Tender For providing of repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - urja purti; e41 overhaul split ac job includes following a clean blower filtersfittings and coil of indoor unit b soap clean evaporators coil of external unit ..,repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - urja purti; e42 fresh water cargo pump discharge pipe line ball valve handle found perished and damaged same to be renewed as per sample matmsqty02 nos; service provider,repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - urja purti; e43 pin hole observed in various places in port da sea water cooler discharged pipe line resultant sea water leakages pipe line to be renewed and system to b..,repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - urja purti; e44 both da exhaust lagging near turbocharger perished worn out and damaged lagging to be renewed and secured with gladding steel wire length02 mtrs eac..,repair, mainte
Tender For providing of repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - urja purti; l40 carry out capacity test of all battries replace defective battries with new one provide test certificated to ship; service provider,repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - urja purti; l41 overhauling search light and service control panel check the reflector condition and replace renew polish if damaged deteriorated; service provider,repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - urja purti; l42 check the flood light fitting for satisfactory operation and deterioarted of parts if any flood light securing bracket found correded and damage from bas..,repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - urja purti; l43 port da exhaust temperature not showing in lop panel suspect temperature sensor malfunctioning to be checkedrenewed and proved for satisfactory operation..,repair, maintenance, and installation of pla
Tender For repair maintenance of exhaust fan circulation fan and geyser energy saving lumanaries alongwith allied works at sector b under age em ii of ge 865 ews
Tender For corrigendum : repair to ceiling fan, exhaust fan, wall mounting fan, pedestal fan and air circulating fan and desert coolers at army area jodhpur under ge (army) no.01
Tender For bid to ras supply of brake pad front change , brake shoe rear change , front caliper assy change , rear brake drum , ignition coil change , spark plug change , realy change , plug wire change , electronic injector repair , seat adjuster , horn assy change , steering assy , the above mentioned parts removing the veh and all reqires portion service and all new parts fitting, engine tuning electrical check and wheel alignment and balancing , rotary pump assy and feed pump removing the veh and taken to the pump house and stripping all parts and cleaning checking. injector nozzle , pump full service and assembles above mentioned burned and damaged change and full packing change nozzle fitting injector , feed pump service with kit vehcile overbeating and produce white smoke. engine required for overhauling , engine liner set change , piston change , main bearing change , bigend bearing change , thrust washer change , piston ring change , valve inlet and exhaust change , valve guide change , head gasket change , gasket kit change , crunk shaft seal change , water pump change , engine mounting pad change , oil filter change , air filter change , fuel filter change , fan belt change , timing belt change , timing tensoner change , clutch plate change , pressure plate change , release bearing change , fly wheel skimming change , fly wheel bearing change , hub seal inner and outlet change , annabond paste , radiator hose set change , front brake pad change , rear brake shoe change , suspension bush kit change , radiator repair and service , self and alternator repair and service. lathe machine works , engine bore boring and new liner fitting and boning and finishing and piston seting , crank shaft main and both bearing setting , cylinder head stripping, cleaning and old valve guide, removing and new guide fitting and valve seat, grinding, vlave fixing and head assy and pressure testing , engine assy removing the veh and stripping and cleaning all parts and engine assy and mounting the veh and self, alternator raditor fitting and veh started testing cooling labou charge , electrical system checking and wheel alignmnet and balancing , timing shain kit change , brake shoe front and change , chain sprocket kit change , kiker change , engine bore reboring, boning and finishing , the above mentioned all parts removing and new parts fitting labour charge , self starter ssy repair service with unservicable parts change, field coil, armature soldering and brush holder and brush change
Tender For providing of repair and overhauling service - 3606 rrc for automated trunking cleaning for air exhaust and galley trunking onboard in ships yard crafts fdns; automated trunking cleaning for air exhaust and galley trunking; no; buyer premises
Tender For maintenance of e.i. in non residential building at u.t. chandigarh. (repair/ rewinding of ceiling fans/ exhaust fans etc. in sectors 40, 41, 54 to 56 under the jurisdiction of sde e-7, chandigarh).
Tender For provision of exhaust fans, ac points, switch sockets and special repair replacement of water supply distribution lines and provn work under ge brichgunj, sri vijaya puram
Tender For corrigendum : special repair replacement of ber ceiling fans and exhaust fan under outlaying area and special repair to main signal office mt controller office at ins shikra under ge (nw) nofra colaba mumbai